

Ever wanted to put on a film in the cinema? Or is there just that one film that you are desperate for people to see on the big screen? CULTPLEX has the answer for you!

We are very excited to present CULT CLUB, a new monthly event where you can pitch your big cinema ideas to our film loving audience: the most popular pitch gets screened at the next event, and you get free tickets and popcorn for you and your friends!


CULT CLUB will open up with up to 5 x 10 min pitches (think Ted Talks, but about why the film you want to screen is awesome and everyone should see it); after an interval we will ask the audience to cast their votes, and the winning film will be screened the month after.

The second half of the night will be the previous month's winning film in all its glory on the big screen!

 If you want to be one of our noble CULT CLUB participants, this is what you need to do:


Submit a video of up to five minutes with a summary of the film and what we could expect from the pitch to We want to see your passion for the film, and an idea of how you would argue the cause!

An important part of this process is giving us a chance to check we can legally screen the film before you pitch it. The film being on Film Bank or Park Circus highly increases chances. We will tell you quickly if we suspect clearances may be tricky. If you are a programmer please share distribution details if you know them, however this is not essential at all.

 The deadline for submission is three weeks before the next CULT CLUB event. (November 8th).

 If selected, you will be expected to deliver a 10 min powerpoint presentation on stage to state your cinematic case. The presentation cannot contain any more than 2 mins of clips/trailers. GIFs are allowed!

Selected presenters will get 10 free tickets for friends and family. The winner of the evening will get 20 free tickets to the screening the following month for friends and family along with free popcorn!

 If you have any questions, please reach out at

CULT CLUB November

The pick for November is the 1999 masterpiece THE MUMMY, pitched at the last event and voted for by our audience!

 If you want to come down and watch some passionate film nerds compete for big screen glory, and then watch an amazing film, get a ticket booked here!