In this Takashi Miike helmed remake of a 1963 film based on historical events, Shinzaemon Shimada leads a team of assassins in 19th-century Japan to eliminate the ruthless Lord Naritsugu Matsudaira, who is wreaking havoc against his own people. Hired secretly by a government official hoping to end Matsudaira's reign of terror, Shimada recruits the best samurai in Japan and then sets a trap for the lord's large contingent of faithful bodyguards.
DAY PASSES AVAILABLE for this full day of action excellence! Simply select at checkout.
Screening as part of Art of Action, a UK-wide film season supported by National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network.
All our screenings are 18+ and feature subtitles to aid accessibility.
The film will begin at the advertised time above.